Criminal Defense Attorney
in Christiansburg, VA Serving the Region
Call Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law to Uphold Your Rights
For a criminal defense attorney in Christiansburg, VA, serving the region, call Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law. It takes a trained and tenacious attorney to represent clients and achieve the best possible outcome. After a review of applicable law, Wade M. McNichols offers various options on how to proceed. Call us today at (540) 251-3426 for skilled defense representation and uphold your rights.

Defense Lawyer for College and University Crimes
It takes a special skill set to manage college and university criminal law matters. Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law provides representation to area college students and their families. Our firm serves students attending Radford University and Virginia Tech and understands law enforcement at both schools. We understand the changes in penalties over time and how a minor offense can have a lasting impact on a student’s future.
Defense Attorney for Misdemeanor and Felony Crimes in Virginia
Every criminal offense, whether misdemeanor or felony, deserves representation. There is much at stake that can affect your rights. Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law is the defense attorney to call for misdemeanors like first-time DUI or traffic offense. Our firm also serves those facing felony crimes, such as certain drug charges or assault with a deadly weapon.
Defense for Criminal Offenses in Juvenile Court
By zealous representation, Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law upholds the rights of young people facing charges in juvenile court. When a young person runs afoul of the law, it can affect their permanent record for years to come. As juveniles reach full legal age, it may be possible to expunge or clear away past offenses.
Juvenile delinquency includes offenses such as sexual assault, DUI, drug crimes, shoplifting, and more. Juvenile offenders need strong and effective representation that you will find with Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law.
Criminal Defense Attorney Serving Southwest Virginia Areas
When you need a criminal defense attorney serving Christiansburg, Blacksburg, and Radford, call Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law. He works the courts of surrounding Montgomery, Pulaski, Floyd, Wythe, Giles, and Bland counties.
Uphold your rights and freedoms with strong and effective representation on your criminal defense matter. Trust Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law, criminal defense attorney in Christiansburg, VA, serving the region.
Call Wade M. McNichols Attorney at Law, attorney in Christiansburg, VA.